Online Subscription

EBSCO Discovery Service

International Database

EBSCO Academic Search UltimateOn campus and remote (off campus)
Cambridge CoreOn campus and remote (off campus)
Emerald PremierOn campus and remote (off campus)
GALE Academic One FileOn campus and remote (off campus)
JSTOR Collections DatabaseOn campus and remote (off campus)
ProQuest Dissertation & ThesisOn campus and remote (off campus)
SAGE JournalsOn campus and remote (off campus)
Science DirectOn campus and remote (off campus)
Elsevier ScopusOn campus and remote (off campus)
Taylor and Francis | Science and TechOn campus and remote (off campus)
Taylor and Francis | Humanities & SocSciOn campus and remote (off campus)
TurnitinOn campus and remote (off campus)
Web of ScienceOn campus and remote (off campus)
Wiley Online LibraryOn campus and remote (off campus)
MathScinetOn campus and remote (off campus)
NewsBank ReadexOn campus and remote (off campus)

Science and Technology

American Chemical Society (ACS) PublicationOn campus and remote (off campus)
Journal of Visualized ExperimentsOn campus and remote (off campus)
IEEE XploreOn campus and remote (off campus)
LabsterOn campus and remote (off campus)
SpringerOn campus and remote (off campus)

Arts and Humanities

Project MuseOn campus and remote (off campus)

Newspaper and Reference Sources

PressReaderOn campus and remote (off campus)
StatistaOn campus and remote (off campus)

Filipiniana Multi-Disciplinary

Philippines E-JournalsOn campus and remote (off campus)


Academic Search Ultimate | EBSCO

American Chemical Society
Cambridge Core Database
EBSCO Discovery Services
eBook Academic Collection
Emerald Premier Collections
Journal of Visualized Experiments
JSTOR Collections Database
Labster Collections Database
Open Athens Collections Database
Philippines e-Journals Database
Pressreader Collections Database
Project Muse Collections Database
ProQuest Dissertation & Thesis
SAGE Premier Journals Database
Elsevier Science Direct Database
Elsevier Scopus Collections
Springer Collections Database
Statista Collections Database
Taylor and Francis  Humanities & SocSci
Taylor and Francis | Science and Tech.
Turnitin Collections Database
Web of Science & InCites Database
GALE Academic Onefile
IEEE Xplore Digital Library
Wiley Online Library eBook & eJournals
Wiley Academic Digital Books


NewsBank Readex

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