Lecture series of University Library


Love before the age of the Renaissance was a communal affair. 

But in the 13th century, Renaissance thinkers in the West began to challenge individuals to question and discard these stifling traditions. “Now individuals are free to value or disvalue any attitude, any choice, any object. But as a result, they are themselves confronted with this same freedom that others have to value or disvalue them.” Individuals began to compete for the affection of others. And this struggle gave rise to a deep-seated insecurity.

By: Anne Shangrila Y. Fuentes

  • Sex drive (lust)
  • Romantic love
  • Attachment
  • Intense craving emotionally
  • Motivation
  • Obsession

Love is not blind.

  • Homophily – we tend to gravitate to people similar to us
  • Propinquity effect – physical or psychological  proximity between people 
  • Contact theory – contact with another group is one of the best ways to improve relations among groups that are experiencing conflict (e.g., prejudice is seen as lower among online gamers who play with people from different cultures that those who don’t)

Love needs to be understood both as an intensely private affair and as a socially constructed/negotiated/performative experience.

Romantic love is undergoing transformation in contemporary society in the fields of the ‘architecture’ and ‘ecology’ of choice,

We live in an increasingly individualised, agentic and democratic world of personal relationships.


Real intimacy makes us feel alive like we’ve been found, as if someone finally took the time to peer into the depths of our soul and really see us there. Until then, until we experience true intimacy, we will feel passed over and ignored, like someone is looking right through us.

By: Leah Lisette S. Aying 

  • Togetherness
  • Connection
  • Time
  • Physical Relationship


  • two people exchange thoughts, share ideas and enjoy similarities and differences between their opinions. If they can do this in an open and comfortable way, they can become quite intimate in an intellectual area.
  1. Economics Rights (Transformation, Reproduction, First Public Distribution, Rental, Public Display, Public Performance)
  2. Moral Rights (Attribution, Restrain Use of Name, Alteration, Object to Distortion)


Making sense of passion in the library

    1. Passion as Patior (Latin) – to Suffer
    2. Passion as Intense Desire,
    3. Passion as Irrational-Irresistible Force
    4. Passion and Religion
    5. Passion and Revolution
  • The Library as a place of:
    1. Spirituality (of Questions);
    2. (fulfilled) Vacations; and
    3. Enlightenment: Receptacle of knowledge

The Library as a place of:

  1. Thirst for knowledge;
  2. Self-understanding, and
  3. Form relations: Community of inquirers
  1. The Library as a place of:

    1. Defeat and frustrations;
    2. Lost/Corrupted dreams and visions; and
    3. Impasse


Any activity solitary, between two persons, or in a group-that induces sexual arousal.

There are two major determinants of human sexual behaviour:

  1. The inherited sexual response patterns that have evolved as a means of ensuring reproduction and that are a part of each individual’s genetic inheritance, and
  2. The degree of restraint or the other types of influence exerted on the individual by society in the expression of one’s sexuality,
  • According to number
    • solitary behaviour involving only one individual, and there is sociosexual behaviour involving more than one person.
    According to gender
    • Sociosexual behaviour (heterosexual or homosexual by pair; three or more are involved can be exclusively hetero or homo or both could be simultaneously present)
  1. Ram (Domestic rams are statistically among the most extensively gay mammals in existence. Scientific studies have shown that up to an incredible eight percent of male sheep may form exclusively male-to-male pair bonds, forsaking all contact with the female ewes.)
  2. Laysan Albatrosses (In 2007, scientists studying the laysan albatrosses of Oahu noticed that sixty percent of birds were female, and that thirty-one percent of all the albatrosses pairs were lesbian. These pairs of female birds exhibit all the behaviours of close pair bonding, and engage in nesting, bill kissing, and a variety of other albatross breeding behaviours.)
  3. Bottlenose dolphins 
  4. Bonobos 
  5. Cock of the rock (bird)
  6. African Lions 
  7. Penguins 
  8. Western Gulls
  9. Giraffes
  10. Dragonflies
    • A wide degree of variation exist between people in terms of frequency of sexual behaviour, preferred types of sexual activity (vaginal, oral, anal, sex toys, solitary, pair, three or more) and sexual orientation (hetero, homo, bisexual).
    • One perspective of explaining differences in behaviour is from an evolutionary perspective.

    Gender differences in sexual behaviour 

    • Men are more likely to seek multiple sex partners, especially for short-term encounters. “Coolidge Effect”
    • Women are more likely to be concerned about a mate’s earning potential: men are more likely to be concerned about mate’s youth.
    • Men usually show greater jealousy at indications of sexual infidelity.
    • Men are interested in brief sexual relationship with multiple partners because that strategy increases the likelihood of their genes being passed along to the next generation.
    • Both men and women prefer a mate that is healthy, intelligent, honest, and physically attractive.
    • In almost all cultures, women prefer mates who are likely to be good providers.
    • Evolutionary explanation: choosing a father who is a good provider aids that woman while she is pregnant or caring for a small child. 
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